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Maintain Your Septic System the Right Way

If you've been looking for a great maintenance solution for your septic system, look no further than Municipal Chemical Supply. We feature a product called "Septic-Zyme," which is an enzyme and a bacteria digestive powder that will help prevent septic back-ups!


Our product comes in a yearly supply of 2 oz. packets so you won't have to deal with the hassle of measuring anymore! Our easy-to-use biodegradable packets will flush down your septic system the first time, so you won't have to flush multiple times like with powder products. 


It's our goal to make it easier for you to care for your septic system, so each container features a calendar to help you keep track of each month that you have done the treatment. 

What Does Septic-Zyme Do

The Septic-Zyme powder has enzymes in it that eat up the waste in your septic tank. Some septic tank products must have oxygen to be effective, but Septic-Zyme can work without it! The chemicals used in Septic-Zyme are exactly the same chemicals that are used to treat sewer lagoons and treatment plants - so you know it's powerful and that it works.

For pricing or pre-ordering, call us today. We deliver within 50 miles of Red Cloud, NE. We also provide shipping services to Nebraska and Kansas!


SKU: 364115376135191
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